This introductory module examines the subject of weight problems and explores some of the reasons why this widespread concern is an issue for individuals, looking in particular at areas such as; confusion and reasons for weight control.
This module is focussed on the examination of recognised problematic relationships with food, in other words eating disorders and studies areas of relevance such as; Anorexia, Bulimia and binge eating.
This module looks specifically at food labels and examines the importance of taking note of the information provided on them in order to aid positive weight management, focussing on relevant considerations, such as; sugar, dates, and preservatives.
This module considers what different types of food are made up of and looks at what they contain, focussing specifically on areas such as; carbohydrates, what counts as five a day the importance of fruit and vegetables.
This module teaches about the nutrients in food known as vitamins and minerals and details what food contains what, what different nutrients do and how they affect the body.
This module promotes the understanding of the Body Mass Index and details various guidelines on how to calculate this for clients, BMI monitoring and the importance of portion control to maintain the correct index for the specific individual.
This module advises on how best to keep track of a client's progress. The materials contained predominantly examine; the production and usage of the record card, how to set goals and also teaching individuals to use weight loss charts.
This module studies the array of excuses individuals use in an attempt to justify why they gain weight. The materials explore some of the most commonly used explanations and examines ways in which you can respond in a positive way to challenge this reasoning and support individuals to make the right choices.
This module is concerned with the various types of diets available and examines the specific benefits and pitfalls associated with different options in order to instil you with the knowledge on choosing what is best for your client's needs.
This module looks at the importance of exercise with regards to weight management. The materials contained study why we need to be active and examines how exercise can be tailored to the individual to assist them with their weight loss goals and help them to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
This module is an extension of module 11 in that it continues to explore the importance of exercise in helping to maintain a healthy weight. The materials contained here however look at more subtle ways in which exercise can be incorporated into everyday life, when other options such as attending a gym, for example, become a difficulty.
This module focusses specifically on how to create a diet plan to suit the individual needs of your client, looking at a range of considerations, such as; different types of meal, snack considerations and hitting a plateau.
This module considers weight management as a business, looking at how you can create and maintain your own company and manage your own clients. The materials contained looks at important considerations such as: legal aspects, sticking to a business plan and advertising.
This concluding module adds to all the knowledge gained in the course so far by providing some final tips which you can teach your clients, to give them that final push in achieving their weight management goals.