October Prize Draw Winner...
Congratulations to Kanaiyalal Thapa who was the lucky winner of our latest prize draw!!
Kanaiyalal completed our Webmaster - HTML and CSS Course and gave the following feedback:
"I did very much enjoy my course and successfully completed the course. I would like to say, support from the tutor was first class, to the point and response or feedback from tutor was very constructive and useful. I have learnt a lot and I am very thankful for such an amazing experience of online learning which i would prefer to others too. I am definitely coming back to do some other course too."
Thank you Kanaiyalal for sending the email and picture to confirm receipt of your prize:
Thank you very much for a lovely surprise just before a Christmas. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and very thankful for the support which I have received throughout and even after the completion of the course. Awesome.. and I can't wait to enrol for another course with the Distance Learning Centre again.