New PSI Testing for CIW exams
CIW Exams can now be sat through remote proctoring in the comfort of your own home or at work through PSI testing.
To use PSI testing students need to meet the system requirements with an active webcam and stable high speed Internet connection and a live proctor will monitor you during the exam.

When you purchase a PSI Testing voucher you will be registered on the PSI system and an e-credit will be assigned to you. You will then receive an automatic system email that provides instructions on the steps you need to follow.
The steps are quite simple. You verify your account and select your chosen exam and then follow the instructions in the system for testing your hardware and scheduling an exam appointment.
PSI Testing Requirements:
- High Speed Internet Connection
- Google Chrome Browser (Latest version)
- Working Webcam
At the time of the exam appointment, students would need to login to the system, and follow the instructions set by the proctor. They will verify your identity, check your system, and when ready, will release the exam to you.
If students prefer, they can sit exams at Pearson VUE exam centres although this would now need to be arranged directly with an exam centre or through the Pearson VUE.