The Java for Android Games Development - Level 4 Course is designed for anyone new to Android, Java, and computer programming wanting to build their own games on Android smartphones and tablets. Android is one of the most popular mobile operating systems and it uses the Java programming language as the primary language for apps of all kinds, particularly for games. The course shows you how to build Android games from scratch.
The course can also be used as a refresher course for those of you who have some previous Android or Java experience. The difficulty level rises as we explore new topics, such as variables, loops, methods, object-oriented programming, and design pattern.
A completed Android Studio project contains everything we need to build an Android application and consists of modules, libraries, manifest files, and Gradle build files.
We develop our games inside the Android Studio environment, which is Google’s recommended Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the Android operating system and provides a user-friendly Application Programming Interface (API) to automate many of the common tasks. When we write a Java app in Android Studio and run it, the Java code is compiled into executable code known as an Android Application Package (APK) using an advanced building toolkit called Gradle to automate and manage the process. A completed Android Studio project contains everything we need to build an Android application and consists of modules, libraries, manifest files, and Gradle build files.
On successful completion of the course, students will receive the Distance Learning Centre Java for Android Games Development Diploma with feedback and analysis of your completed work, as well as an Open Awards Quality Endorsed Unit Course Certificate.