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Economics AS Level Course

Course Format:Hard-Copy (Paper-Based) & Online Materials
Self-Study Time:Approximately 350 Hours (Self-Study)
Delivery Time:2-7 Working Days (Courier Service)
Based on 227 reviews from
Course Fees & Payment Options
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Payment in full on checkout by Card or Paypal
3 monthly payments:
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6 monthly payments:
1 payment of £138.00 taken now 5 further payments of £41.40 - taken monthly with GoCardless
6 Month Payment Option Details:
1 initial payment of £138.00 followed by 5 monthly payments of £41.40 by Direct Debit
Gain an Economics AS-Level Qualification

The Economics AS Level Course covers topics similar to those studied at GCSE level, but in more depth. Economics is a dynamic subject, with considerable relevance to current situations, and this course is designed to cover the basic theory required for examinations at this level, together with up-to-date data required to relate your theory to real life.

This home study course follows the new linear Economics AS Level syllabus. Students wanting to complete a full A Level should purchase a course from the A Level Course section of our website.

The Economics AS level course includes 6 Tutor-marked Assignments (TMAs).

Specification & Exams

Learners can study for the AQA Economics 7135 AS Level Specification aiming for examination in May/June 2026 or later years.

Please Note: The closing date for learners aiming for Summer 2025 exams has now passed. The closing date for learners aiming for Summer 2026 exams is 15 November 2025.

The AS level specification is assessed by two written papers:

  • Paper 1: Economics 1 - The operation of markets and market failure (1 Hour 30 Minutes) is 70 marks in total (50% of AS level).
  • Paper 2: Economics 2 - The national economy in a global context (1 Hour 30 Minutes) is 70 marks in total (50% of AS level).

We will admit Candidates for AS Level Courses who have a minimum of 4 GCSE's at grade C and above. For Economics this should include English, Economics and Mathematics GCSE's.

Please Note: We cannot accept students who are under 16 years old on this course and all applications are subject to acceptance from the course advisory team.

The Economics AS Level Course Includes the Following Units:

The Module Includes the Following Lessons:

  • Economic Methodology
  • The Demand and Supply Curves
  • Elasticity
  • Determination of Equilibrium Market Prices
  • Production, Costs and Revenue
  • Market Failure
  • Government Intervention

The Module Includes the Following Lessons:

  • The Measurement of Macro-economic Performance
  • How the Macro-economy works
  • Inflation and Interest Rates
  • Employment and Unemployment
  • The Balance of Payments
  • Macroeconomic Policy
  • Recent Changes in the UK Economy
Additional Reading

The following books are required to work alongside your course materials:

  • AQA A-level Economics Book 1 by Ray Powell & James Powell (ISBN: 978-1471829789)

Additional non-essential recommended reading is detailed in the course materials for students who would like further resources whilst completing their studies. We recommend purchasing any books after receiving your course materials to make sure there have been no revisions.

Course Format

The course materials are supplied in a hard-copy format (paper-based) and learners can also receive access to the course notes online through a course portal at no additional charge. 

Learners often find hard-copy materials easier to work through and bookmark but the online access allows additional features such as direct links to YouTube Videos and online quizzes so having both versions available allows the learner the convenience and flexibility of both options. 

There are a set number of tutor-marked assignments (TMA's) in every course. These are designed to help the student to consolidate their learning and prepare for examinations.

Duration & Support

Students will be supported until their chosen examination window. Every student will have access to a course tutor with whom they should keep in regular contact. All tutors are fully qualified experienced teachers holding either a Postgraduate Certificate in Education or a degree in education. Most work from home and are able to offer flexible contact times. The tutor will contact students with an introductory letter and a telephone call to help decide on a study plan. They will also let the student know the best ways and times they can be contacted.

There is no limit on how often you can contact a tutor. The advice and encouragement that tutors provide is an important part of your learning experience. You can contact your tutor by Phone, Email or Post. All tutors have a Freephone 0800 telephone number and most will have Skype capabilities. Whilst you are still actively submitting assignments, you should expect to be in contact with your tutor regularly. Remember, to get the most out of your tutor, you will need to tell them when you need assistance.

AQA AS Level Examination Centres and Exam Dates

All AQA specification AS Level Exams must be taken at a registered examination centre as a private candidate. We offer course materials and tutor support although we don't offer the examinations. An Examinations Officer can assist any registered student with finding centres and dealing with coursework forms, but we do not book exams on behalf of students and it is the students responsibility to book their own exams. Private Candidates cannot complete AQA Specification Exams outside of the UK.

Students are contacted in December/January prior to their examination window and advised to start arranging their examinations. AQA have over 300 examination centres in the UK. If you would like to research exam centres prior to enrolment then you can visit the AQA page for private candidates which shows a selection of centres set out geographically.

Examination Dates and Exam fees:

AS Level exams are only available in the Summer examination window (May/June) and examination fees need to be paid direct to your chosen examination centre. Prices for exams will vary depending on the centre's administration costs.

Students can decide to study over a one year or two year period (providing the specification and exams are available over that duration). Each AS Level Course will take approximately 350 hours of study to complete so if you are unsure that you can complete the course prior to the next available exam window then we recommend studying the course over a 2-year period. You can sign up for a course at any time although course tutors set closing dates for students aiming for each examination window.

Please Note - The closing dates for the 2025 examination window have passed:

  • The closing date set by tutors for learners aiming towards Summer 2026 exams will be 15 November 2025.

The closing dates are set by tutors based on when they think it is reasonable for learners to be aiming for a particular examination window whilst taking into consideration the impact on student support. Once closing dates have passed, we can only accept learners aiming towards the next stated examination window e.g. Summer 2026, or if more time is needed, learners can choose to aim for the next available exam window e.g. Summer 2027 providing the specification is still available. All learners are required to choose their intended exam window as part of their course application.

Useful Links:
Predicted Grades & UCAS Applications

Predicted Grades without a reference can be offered free of charge to learners providing they have completed a suitable amount of work to judge their levels.

Tutors can also support registered students with their University application but this should be arranged in the previous year to sitting exams and prior to the below dates:

  • 1st August for Oxford or Cambridge
  • 1st December for all other Universities

There is a charge of £100.00 for supporting your UCAS application and providing predicted grades and a well-rounded reference which will incorporate something from each of your tutors and be specific to your application. The payment will be made before the required dates and any reference requests received after this date will incur an additional £50.00 penalty payment.

In order that your tutor has something on which to base a reference and/or predicted grade, you need to have done a MINIMUM of six assignments in each subject you are studying. More is better! Your tutor will want you to succeed so talk to them about your plans; it will help with your application if they know something about you.

If you are at school and are doing an A level as an addition to your school studies, then you will need to check with your school to make sure they will accept a predicted grade or some input into the reference that they are doing for you.

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