Creating your Perfect Revision Timetable
We've come up with a fool-proof revision timetable that, if followed, will provide you with the best chance of exam success:

Click here to download the Distance Learning Centre Revision Timetable
It goes without saying that your revision timetable should be the first thing on your to-do-list. Simply, this ensures you spread your time out evenly for each subject. For example, GCSE students have between eight and 12 subjects to account for. If you devote a week to each subject this will require three months of solid revision.
Our DLC timetable is perfect for all learners with a week of potential revision time from 9.00am-10.00pm to fill. This allows you to plan revision around your studies and find a time plan that suits you. GCSE students, for example, are required to attend set school hours and often find revision a daunting task after double maths *sigh* Why not read through what you've done through the day (at school) that evening or before your next lesson ? Not many student do this, but research shows it really helps you remember better; coming to lessons more prepared and able to link new material to revision notes. Or, perhaps you're a University student with lectures and seminars to consider when planning revision? Go to your Lectures. They aren't "optional"Â In many subjects covered in lectures provides a basis for later revision. If you end up missing a lecture (everyone does at some point) then make sure you catch up on what you've missed by revising from the lecture slides.
You want the simplest timetable, right? A timetable created with an element of strategic planning is best. Take time to order your subjects in an effective manner. For example, if you're struggling with English, your schedule should reflect this. Make this your priority with extra time slots for subjects you are worried about.
It's tempting to power through when a subject interests you, because (surprise, surprise) you're actually enjoying revision! Firstly, we commend your determination but do recommend you take regular breaks to ensure you are focused. The motto here is work hard, play not-quite so hard.
Clearly, any form of revision requires discipline and will power to ensure all subjects are covered at least once in the run up to your exam. Falling behind could mean that at least one crucial element is missed out. If this were to appear in your exam, would you be so complacent? - Exactly. However, we do recommend you refrain from getting too caught up in your planning. There needs to be room for flexibility. If one subject takes longer than planned, don't panic. There should be a planned "black space"Â available.
This is a useful revision tip, and often used to jog the memory in an exam. Whether you choose to colour code per subject, topic or module, it's a fun way to create a subconscious link between your notes and an exam question.
Why not start your day off with a task you know you can accomplish? This will give you a much-needed motivational boost first thing and provides a positive mental attitude. Make sure that you keep the next slot reserved for a heavier subject, so you don't just put these off.
A balance between the revision timetable (see above) and these six pointers will help you create a well-organised and structured revision plan. The tricky part of the process is making sure you stick to it. DLC wish you the best of luck!