Be The Best You

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You dont have to be at entry level in your career to look towards self-improvement and advancement – you can build yourself up and increase your skill set at any time. In fact, it's a good idea for your own self-esteem to always be on the look out for ways to be the best you.

If you've been in a steady job for some time but haven't had that promotion or moved forwards, then it's time to make that list of ways in which you can make the best of yourself and stand out to your employer. Reach out and grab more opportunities!

Here are a few ways you can be the best you:


Simple maybe, but actually getting really organised in your job, paperwork and planning is a really good start to being the best you.

Clear out and organise your inbox, plan your work schedule, make a spreadsheet or use an online tool to plan out all your work tasks for the next quarter so you feel on top of it all. Organise all of these tasks by order or priority. Divide your days into 1 large task, 2 medium tasks and 4 small ones. Tick each job off your list as you go, and always start your day with the big task.

Clear and tidy your desk – minimal clutter on your work desk improves concentration and focus. 

Ensure all appointments, meetings and time off are added to your calendar. Colour code them for extra oomph. Once all of this is organised and mapped out, your mind should feel clearer and you will feel readier to move on to stage two.


Once you've planned out your work, delegate any tasks that are time-consuming and could be done by a more junior colleague (where applicable of course, this is not always possible). Then, approach any colleagues or your manager and make yourself available to take on some of their workload if you have room for it.

This shows initiative on your part and may open you up to different tasks, so you have the opportunity to learn more. 

Of course, be realistic in the amount of work you can take on – don't overfill your time and set yourself up to feel overwhelmed or miss any deadlines. Effective time management is key.


Another seemingly simple concept – or one you may scoff at. Who wants to be positive if they are feeling 

 unhappy in their job? The truth is, projecting a positive attitude even when you're feeling less than positive inside, will inevitably rub off on how you feel in yourself. 

Smiling at others, offering to make tea, giving input in meetings and suggesting ways to help others will make you feel good and will show others that you are a team player. 

A positive attitude is contagious too and will probably end up positively affecting how your team is feeling at work. 


Take the initiative and further your study of your area of work. Read up, attend a few conferences or sign up for a course to help you expand your skill set.

 If you're looking to move up in your job, take a business planning & marketing course that will open you up to a wide range of subject areas from management strategies, quality, finance, health & safety, planning and personal development – all the elements you need to make a good project leader. This can apply to so many areas of work.

Looking to take on a manager role and wondering how to get yourself to that level? Try a business management course online, where you will learn all the aspects of management to prepare you for this role. Showing the initiative to take a course like this in your own time shows your dedication to your career to your employer and will definitely make you stand out from the crowd.

Gaining extra qualifications throughout your career is a solid way to further your career and really be the best you. Improve the mind, improve your confidence and increase your knowledge of your subject.


They always say the best way to learn something really well is to teach it. if you make yourself available as a mentor to a junior colleague or new member of your team, you can show them the ropes, help them make the best of themselves and all the while learn valuable management and interpersonal skills. 

This is also a helpful thing to do for the wider team and will show your employer that you are showing your initiative, care about your team and would make a good manager. Stay on their radar!

These are effective ways of building yourself up in your job and achieving your goals by being the best you. Don't wait for things to happen and make them happen for yourself! You will see your confidence increase, you will stop feeling that Sunday dread and you will probably see yourself moving on up faster than you think.

View our list of outstanding online courses that you can fit in your free time around you job, and start being the best you.